A place of refuge

London City Mission works with local churches to offer life-giving care to people experiencing homelessness.

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Every Monday to Friday and Saturday we offer:

Breakfast is not served on Fridays.

Life on the streets in London can be brutal and unforgiving. Webber Street is a supportive place of calm and refuge.

If you are in need, we are here to help. Visit us Monday to Thursday and Saturday mornings.

Opening Times

Monday to Wednesday




Webber Street is closed on Sundays.

The Webber Street office is open Mon-Fri from 9:00am – 4:00pm.


Guests can sign up for space in the showers and get fresh clothes for the same week. Guests also have access to computers, razors, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other toiletries.

They can also register with staff to have their post delivered to the centre.

There are regular visits from the nurse and the podiatrist, but we can also make referrals to help with issues such as mental health and immigration advice.

Get in touch